Building up men to be better husbands, fathers, leaders at work and leaders in the community.

Dane Deutsch

Leading with Character

Dane Deutsch is the author of the book, "The Tricycle Effect."

Coach Dane wrote The Tricycle Effect (TTE) book, to focus on why and how you can be more productive, successful, and significant in life by leading yourself as a whole person and making choices in life with "character first."

He is a certified John Maxwell Team (JMT) speaker, coach, and trainer as well as one of John's Founding Partners.

In addition to being a JMT Founding Partner, Dane is also a Ziglar "Choose to Win" certified speaker, coach, and trainer.

Dane has been speaking, coaching, and training with JMT and adding value to people and audiences of all ages for over 10 years.

In his book, Dane describes the 3 wheels of the Tricycle and the meaning of each wheel. In addition, he explains the real purpose of the seat on the tricycle which Dane calls the Seat of Courage. In other words, the courage to make the right choice, for the right reason at the right time in life.

Oh yes, there are many speakers, coaches, and trainers that speak on leadership, but what differentiates Dane from other speakers, coaches and trainers are that he focuses on Leadership with Character First.

Leading with Character...that makes all the difference.

The different components of the Tricycle represent:

  • Front Wheel (CQ)
    • Character Skills Wheel - Trust, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring, etc.
  • Back Wheels (IQ)
    • Technical Skills Wheel - Any technical skill - typing, cooking, riding a bike, reading, speaking, etc.
    • People/Professional Skills Wheel - Leadership, Teamwork, Communication, etc.
  • Seat (EQ)
    • The seat of courage to make the right choices in life

Come and join Dane as he leads you on a journey by speaking, coaching, and training you to learn why Leading with "Character" (i.e-character ethics) is key to living a successful and significant life personally as well as professionally.

So, come on....Let's get Trikin'. Trike On!


2021 Speaker Series
Seneca Wallace
June 29th
Charlie Wittmack
September 16th
Matt Smith
October 28th
Tom Coates
November 18th
Series Table Sponsorship
 Reserves you a table for 8 to all four events for $1100.


Building up men to be better husbands, fathers, leaders at work and leaders in the community.