Building up men to be better husbands, fathers, leaders at work and leaders in the community.
April 2022

Gary Rosberg

"Guard Your Heart"
Dr. Gary and Barb Rosberg are the co-founders of America’s Family Coaches. Together, the Rosbergs have been coaching and helping to strengthen marriages in Iowa and worldwide since 1983. Authors of more than a dozen books, former radio broadcasters and international speakers on the family, Gary and Barb have determined to invest part of their most fruitful years as ambassadors to marriages and families in their beloved home state of Iowa. Serving Iowa’s first responders and military marriages at home is a great delight to the Rosbergs.

Dr. Gary earned his doctorate degree (Ed. D.) in counseling from Drake University and conducted individual, marriage and family counseling for over 20 years. Married since 1975, Gary & Barb have two daughters and 12 grandchildren.


2021 Speaker Series
Seneca Wallace
June 29th
Charlie Wittmack
September 16th
Matt Smith
October 28th
Tom Coates
November 18th
Series Table Sponsorship
 Reserves you a table for 8 to all four events for $1100.


Building up men to be better husbands, fathers, leaders at work and leaders in the community.