Building up men to be better husbands, fathers, leaders at work and leaders in the community.
APRIL 2023
Michael Thompson
Founder of Zoweh Ministries
"Loving and Leading in a Wounded World - The State of Masculinity" Michael Thompson is a king-dom guide for the hearts of men, women, and marriages. He is the author of Search & Rescue, The Heart of a Warrior, and other books. Michael and his wife, Robin, have been married since 1990, and have three grown daughters, Ashley, Hannah, and Abbey, and one “son-in-love,” Anders, married to Ashley.
2021 Speaker Series
Seneca Wallace
June 29th
Charlie Wittmack
September 16th
Matt Smith
October 28th
Tom Coates
November 18th
Series Table Sponsorship
Reserves you a table for 8 to all four events for $1100.
Building up men to be better husbands, fathers, leaders at work and leaders in the community.